Copenhagen fast story | TESLA – Bulgarian Tesla fan video from a fresh follower
After a nice meeting with my long time friend and schoold mate Architect Georgi Tsochev of, together we created a detailed blog about a large-scale innovative project in Sofia (in Bulgarian). Back then Georgi got inside our Renault Twizy for the first time, aksed me a lot of things about EVs and as I discoverd later he turned into a vivid e-mobility fan…
So mush so that on his Christmas vacation in Denmark, Georgi liked the idea of shooting a Tesla video in Copenhagen – called COPENHAGEN fast story | TESLA – and since his friends discovered he is an EV fan, they started posting Tesla Model S pictures from Sofia on his Facebook wall.
“Let’s inspire more people make videos and pictures and share with the community. I myself will continue making videos,” he wrote to me, sending a link to the Tesla video he made. I really like that he was inspired to do the video and immediately blogged to spread his inspiration.
The idea itself inspired me to announce a new initiative: Call to the community to start creating Bulgarian EV videos which then we vote on and award.
So we’re starting a new topic in the forums to discuss awards and how to proceed with this campaign.
To Georgi – thanks for the cool video – and we look forward to see his next EV videos.
Please share your Bulgarian EV video with us at or in the the forum topic (in Bulgarian).
Here Georgi‘s video:
{youtube}BmVqQiL7e8Q{/youtube} /
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