

First ever super custom vintage EV double smart charger is for Mall Plovdiv

Catchy mix of modern gadgets and vintage tech in the coolest eCars project so far. Mall Plovdiv got it first. The Bulgarian shopping center installed the first in the world vintage gas station replica double smart EV Charger with a big screen along with time matching dedicated lamp and signage. And another one is coming... (more…)

GDPR информация

Какво представялва GDPR? Общият регламент за защита на данните (GDPR) е набор от правила, предназначени да подобрят съществуващите защити, свързани с личните данни и неприкосновеността на личния живот на гражданите на ЕС. Регламентът е създаден с цел укрепване и унифициране на законодателството за защита на данните в целия Европейски съюз. Кога влиза в сила GDPR? GDPR влиза в сила считано от 25 май, 2018 г. Какво се класифицира като лични данни спрямо GDPR? GDPR определя личните данни като "всякаква информация, свързана с идентифицирано или подлежащо...


The story of a 7-year long Bulgarian journey

In this story: We started back in 2010, now scaling our production and only need to spread our wings. OK, that was meant to match the 'Start. Scale. Spread your wings' motto of the SME Assembly, the flagship event of European SME Week held in Tallin from 22 to 24 of November 2017. But this motto perfectly reflects our story so watch us there... (more…)


Nissan reports 14,000 LEAF 2 sales in Japan and Europe

In this blog: LEAF Gen 2 sales started Oct. 1 in Japan and Nissan already reports 14,000 sales. This is combined for October in Japan and Europe and is more than the previously reported 9,000 orders. Nissan also released information about the holdback that prevented delivery and registration of hundreds of cars that were counted as fully bought and paid for... (more…)


Tesla sets up a huge party in Veliko Tarnovo

In this episode: Goofy American says Nikola Tesla is from Veliko Tarnovo and does not believe we're charging faster than Tesla. That's what goes on in KaramEL Web Show's Episode 3 and you know Americans – they call Mihael - Michael, Nikola - Nicolas and bunch of other stuff like that. That – OK, but they're (Tesla team) apparently in possession of some old paper claiming (Nikola) Tesla is not from Serbia, and not from Macedonia, but from Bulgaria...