Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 676 through 690 (of 908 total)
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  • Какво правим с новите трамваи и тролеи? Ми хайде и те да се разбръмчат?

    Ами велосипедистите..? Могат безшумно да връхлетят върху някой пешеходец… и да причинят по-голяма щета от колкото автомобил маневриращ с 2-3 км/ч.
    Аз мисля, че колкото електромобилите стават по-масови, толкова хората ще стават по-внимателни по улиците.. Знаете, че човешките сетива се адаптират.. при по-нисък фонов шум, съответно са по-силни и долавят по-тихи звуци. Представете си град в който тихо жужат само електромобили.. ще е толкова по-приятно, а и всички ще внимават.
    Не можем да вменим задължението и на шофьора и на пешеходеца да се оглеждат на генератори на изкуствен шум.
    Моите уважение и към хората с увреждания, които се ориентират по звуците.. , но надали незрящ ще тръгне да върви по пътното платно и да разчита на реакция от шума на двигател с ДВГ.. Ами какво правим с хората с увреждания на слуха.. хайде да не ги пускаме по улиците, защото не чуват дори ДВГ, камо ли ел. коли. Съжалявам, но мисля, че аргументите с хората с увреждания са доста пресилени.
    Аз знам, че карам изключително тиха кола и затова внимавам изключително много когато карам бавно и по малки градски улички. Навярно карам с 5 пъти повече внимание от шофьор на кола с ДВГ. В тази връзка съм сигурен, че е по-вероятно да стане инцидент с шофьор с кола с ДВГ, от колкото с мен..

    Какво правим с новите трамваи и тролеи? Ми хайде и те да се разбръмчат?

    Ами велосипедистите..? Могат безшумно да връхлетят върху някой пешеходец… и да причинят по-голяма щета от колкото автомобил маневриращ с 2-3 км/ч.
    Аз мисля, че колкото електромобилите стават по-масови, толкова хората ще стават по-внимателни по улиците.. Знаете, че човешките сетива се адаптират.. при по-нисък фонов шум, съответно са по-силни и долавят по-тихи звуци. Представете си град в който тихо жужат само електромобили.. ще е толкова по-приятно, а и всички ще внимават.
    Не можем да вменим задължението и на шофьора и на пешеходеца да се оглеждат на генератори на изкуствен шум.
    Моите уважение и към хората с увреждания, които се ориентират по звуците.. , но надали незрящ ще тръгне да върви по пътното платно и да разчита на реакция от шума на двигател с ДВГ.. Ами какво правим с хората с увреждания на слуха.. хайде да не ги пускаме по улиците, защото не чуват дори ДВГ, камо ли ел. коли. Съжалявам, но мисля, че аргументите с хората с увреждания са доста пресилени.
    Аз знам, че карам изключително тиха кола и затова внимавам изключително много когато карам бавно и по малки градски улички. Навярно карам с 5 пъти повече внимание от шофьор на кола с ДВГ. В тази връзка съм сигурен, че е по-вероятно да стане инцидент с шофьор с кола с ДВГ, от колкото с мен..

    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27025

    Прилагам копие от писмото ми към европейската комисия.
    Моля без критики към английския 🙂 Толкова си мога 🙂


    From: Peter Stoychev, Bulgaria

    To: Whom it might concern.

    Regarding the proposed AVAS (Approaching Vehicle Audible Systems) for electric vehicles.

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    I would like to express my opinion in the matter and hope that I will find some support among you.

    Firstly, I find it quite controversial that the EU is both trying to limit the sound emissions/sound pollution in the cities and at the same time making it mandatory for quiet vehicles to make noise?!
    I know that the main concern is safety of pedestrians, but I think this is not the way. Much can be argued against such regulations.

    1. In this line of logic we should also demand AVAS for trolleys, trams, cars with quiet ICEs (internal combustion engine) and even for bicycles! Imagine if all these means of both personal and public transport start to “buzz”(make all sorts of noises). You will just exchange the sound of ICEs to other sounds..
    2. There are much old people with hearing problems.. should we demand that they do not go out on the streets? If both we (the drivers of EVs) and the pedestrians do not be careful on the road, no regulations will help that.
    3. As more and more EVs are sold, imagine cities with quite streets vs cities with all sorts of BUZZes.. Which is better?
    4. Furthermore.. as EVS get more and more common, people will start to be more careful and look around.. so there is no need make artificial sounds.. which moreover needlessly use additional energy.

    I truly hope that there are people in the EU with similar thoughts and that someone might argue in favor of this point of view.


    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27016

    Прилагам копие от писмото ми към европейската комисия.
    Моля без критики към английския 🙂 Толкова си мога 🙂


    From: Peter Stoychev, Bulgaria

    To: Whom it might concern.

    Regarding the proposed AVAS (Approaching Vehicle Audible Systems) for electric vehicles.

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    I would like to express my opinion in the matter and hope that I will find some support among you.

    Firstly, I find it quite controversial that the EU is both trying to limit the sound emissions/sound pollution in the cities and at the same time making it mandatory for quiet vehicles to make noise?!
    I know that the main concern is safety of pedestrians, but I think this is not the way. Much can be argued against such regulations.

    1. In this line of logic we should also demand AVAS for trolleys, trams, cars with quiet ICEs (internal combustion engine) and even for bicycles! Imagine if all these means of both personal and public transport start to “buzz”(make all sorts of noises). You will just exchange the sound of ICEs to other sounds..
    2. There are much old people with hearing problems.. should we demand that they do not go out on the streets? If both we (the drivers of EVs) and the pedestrians do not be careful on the road, no regulations will help that.
    3. As more and more EVs are sold, imagine cities with quite streets vs cities with all sorts of BUZZes.. Which is better?
    4. Furthermore.. as EVS get more and more common, people will start to be more careful and look around.. so there is no need make artificial sounds.. which moreover needlessly use additional energy.

    I truly hope that there are people in the EU with similar thoughts and that someone might argue in favor of this point of view.


    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27010

    Прилагам копие от писмото ми към европейската комисия.
    Моля без критики към английския 🙂 Толкова си мога 🙂


    From: Peter Stoychev, Bulgaria

    To: Whom it might concern.

    Regarding the proposed AVAS (Approaching Vehicle Audible Systems) for electric vehicles.

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    I would like to express my opinion in the matter and hope that I will find some support among you.

    Firstly, I find it quite controversial that the EU is both trying to limit the sound emissions/sound pollution in the cities and at the same time making it mandatory for quiet vehicles to make noise?!
    I know that the main concern is safety of pedestrians, but I think this is not the way. Much can be argued against such regulations.

    1. In this line of logic we should also demand AVAS for trolleys, trams, cars with quiet ICEs (internal combustion engine) and even for bicycles! Imagine if all these means of both personal and public transport start to “buzz”(make all sorts of noises). You will just exchange the sound of ICEs to other sounds..
    2. There are much old people with hearing problems.. should we demand that they do not go out on the streets? If both we (the drivers of EVs) and the pedestrians do not be careful on the road, no regulations will help that.
    3. As more and more EVs are sold, imagine cities with quite streets vs cities with all sorts of BUZZes.. Which is better?
    4. Furthermore.. as EVS get more and more common, people will start to be more careful and look around.. so there is no need make artificial sounds.. which moreover needlessly use additional energy.

    I truly hope that there are people in the EU with similar thoughts and that someone might argue in favor of this point of view.


    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27001

    Прилагам копие от писмото ми към европейската комисия.
    Моля без критики към английския 🙂 Толкова си мога 🙂


    From: Peter Stoychev, Bulgaria

    To: Whom it might concern.

    Regarding the proposed AVAS (Approaching Vehicle Audible Systems) for electric vehicles.

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    I would like to express my opinion in the matter and hope that I will find some support among you.

    Firstly, I find it quite controversial that the EU is both trying to limit the sound emissions/sound pollution in the cities and at the same time making it mandatory for quiet vehicles to make noise?!
    I know that the main concern is safety of pedestrians, but I think this is not the way. Much can be argued against such regulations.

    1. In this line of logic we should also demand AVAS for trolleys, trams, cars with quiet ICEs (internal combustion engine) and even for bicycles! Imagine if all these means of both personal and public transport start to “buzz”(make all sorts of noises). You will just exchange the sound of ICEs to other sounds..
    2. There are much old people with hearing problems.. should we demand that they do not go out on the streets? If both we (the drivers of EVs) and the pedestrians do not be careful on the road, no regulations will help that.
    3. As more and more EVs are sold, imagine cities with quite streets vs cities with all sorts of BUZZes.. Which is better?
    4. Furthermore.. as EVS get more and more common, people will start to be more careful and look around.. so there is no need make artificial sounds.. which moreover needlessly use additional energy.

    I truly hope that there are people in the EU with similar thoughts and that someone might argue in favor of this point of view.


    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27034

    Прилагам копие от писмото ми към европейската комисия.
    Моля без критики към английския 🙂 Толкова си мога 🙂


    From: Peter Stoychev, Bulgaria

    To: Whom it might concern.

    Regarding the proposed AVAS (Approaching Vehicle Audible Systems) for electric vehicles.

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    I would like to express my opinion in the matter and hope that I will find some support among you.

    Firstly, I find it quite controversial that the EU is both trying to limit the sound emissions/sound pollution in the cities and at the same time making it mandatory for quiet vehicles to make noise?!
    I know that the main concern is safety of pedestrians, but I think this is not the way. Much can be argued against such regulations.

    1. In this line of logic we should also demand AVAS for trolleys, trams, cars with quiet ICEs (internal combustion engine) and even for bicycles! Imagine if all these means of both personal and public transport start to “buzz”(make all sorts of noises). You will just exchange the sound of ICEs to other sounds..
    2. There are much old people with hearing problems.. should we demand that they do not go out on the streets? If both we (the drivers of EVs) and the pedestrians do not be careful on the road, no regulations will help that.
    3. As more and more EVs are sold, imagine cities with quite streets vs cities with all sorts of BUZZes.. Which is better?
    4. Furthermore.. as EVS get more and more common, people will start to be more careful and look around.. so there is no need make artificial sounds.. which moreover needlessly use additional energy.

    I truly hope that there are people in the EU with similar thoughts and that someone might argue in favor of this point of view.


    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27041

    Прилагам копие от писмото ми към европейската комисия.
    Моля без критики към английския 🙂 Толкова си мога 🙂


    From: Peter Stoychev, Bulgaria

    To: Whom it might concern.

    Regarding the proposed AVAS (Approaching Vehicle Audible Systems) for electric vehicles.

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    I would like to express my opinion in the matter and hope that I will find some support among you.

    Firstly, I find it quite controversial that the EU is both trying to limit the sound emissions/sound pollution in the cities and at the same time making it mandatory for quiet vehicles to make noise?!
    I know that the main concern is safety of pedestrians, but I think this is not the way. Much can be argued against such regulations.

    1. In this line of logic we should also demand AVAS for trolleys, trams, cars with quiet ICEs (internal combustion engine) and even for bicycles! Imagine if all these means of both personal and public transport start to “buzz”(make all sorts of noises). You will just exchange the sound of ICEs to other sounds..
    2. There are much old people with hearing problems.. should we demand that they do not go out on the streets? If both we (the drivers of EVs) and the pedestrians do not be careful on the road, no regulations will help that.
    3. As more and more EVs are sold, imagine cities with quite streets vs cities with all sorts of BUZZes.. Which is better?
    4. Furthermore.. as EVS get more and more common, people will start to be more careful and look around.. so there is no need make artificial sounds.. which moreover needlessly use additional energy.

    I truly hope that there are people in the EU with similar thoughts and that someone might argue in favor of this point of view.


    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27044

    Прилагам копие от писмото ми към европейската комисия.
    Моля без критики към английския 🙂 Толкова си мога 🙂


    From: Peter Stoychev, Bulgaria

    To: Whom it might concern.

    Regarding the proposed AVAS (Approaching Vehicle Audible Systems) for electric vehicles.

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    I would like to express my opinion in the matter and hope that I will find some support among you.

    Firstly, I find it quite controversial that the EU is both trying to limit the sound emissions/sound pollution in the cities and at the same time making it mandatory for quiet vehicles to make noise?!
    I know that the main concern is safety of pedestrians, but I think this is not the way. Much can be argued against such regulations.

    1. In this line of logic we should also demand AVAS for trolleys, trams, cars with quiet ICEs (internal combustion engine) and even for bicycles! Imagine if all these means of both personal and public transport start to “buzz”(make all sorts of noises). You will just exchange the sound of ICEs to other sounds..
    2. There are much old people with hearing problems.. should we demand that they do not go out on the streets? If both we (the drivers of EVs) and the pedestrians do not be careful on the road, no regulations will help that.
    3. As more and more EVs are sold, imagine cities with quite streets vs cities with all sorts of BUZZes.. Which is better?
    4. Furthermore.. as EVS get more and more common, people will start to be more careful and look around.. so there is no need make artificial sounds.. which moreover needlessly use additional energy.

    I truly hope that there are people in the EU with similar thoughts and that someone might argue in favor of this point of view.


    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27065

    Прилагам копие от писмото ми към европейската комисия.
    Моля без критики към английския 🙂 Толкова си мога 🙂


    From: Peter Stoychev, Bulgaria

    To: Whom it might concern.

    Regarding the proposed AVAS (Approaching Vehicle Audible Systems) for electric vehicles.

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    I would like to express my opinion in the matter and hope that I will find some support among you.

    Firstly, I find it quite controversial that the EU is both trying to limit the sound emissions/sound pollution in the cities and at the same time making it mandatory for quiet vehicles to make noise?!
    I know that the main concern is safety of pedestrians, but I think this is not the way. Much can be argued against such regulations.

    1. In this line of logic we should also demand AVAS for trolleys, trams, cars with quiet ICEs (internal combustion engine) and even for bicycles! Imagine if all these means of both personal and public transport start to “buzz”(make all sorts of noises). You will just exchange the sound of ICEs to other sounds..
    2. There are much old people with hearing problems.. should we demand that they do not go out on the streets? If both we (the drivers of EVs) and the pedestrians do not be careful on the road, no regulations will help that.
    3. As more and more EVs are sold, imagine cities with quite streets vs cities with all sorts of BUZZes.. Which is better?
    4. Furthermore.. as EVS get more and more common, people will start to be more careful and look around.. so there is no need make artificial sounds.. which moreover needlessly use additional energy.

    I truly hope that there are people in the EU with similar thoughts and that someone might argue in favor of this point of view.


    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27067

    Прилагам копие от писмото ми към европейската комисия.
    Моля без критики към английския 🙂 Толкова си мога 🙂


    From: Peter Stoychev, Bulgaria

    To: Whom it might concern.

    Regarding the proposed AVAS (Approaching Vehicle Audible Systems) for electric vehicles.

    Dear Sirs/Madams,

    I would like to express my opinion in the matter and hope that I will find some support among you.

    Firstly, I find it quite controversial that the EU is both trying to limit the sound emissions/sound pollution in the cities and at the same time making it mandatory for quiet vehicles to make noise?!
    I know that the main concern is safety of pedestrians, but I think this is not the way. Much can be argued against such regulations.

    1. In this line of logic we should also demand AVAS for trolleys, trams, cars with quiet ICEs (internal combustion engine) and even for bicycles! Imagine if all these means of both personal and public transport start to “buzz”(make all sorts of noises). You will just exchange the sound of ICEs to other sounds..
    2. There are much old people with hearing problems.. should we demand that they do not go out on the streets? If both we (the drivers of EVs) and the pedestrians do not be careful on the road, no regulations will help that.
    3. As more and more EVs are sold, imagine cities with quite streets vs cities with all sorts of BUZZes.. Which is better?
    4. Furthermore.. as EVS get more and more common, people will start to be more careful and look around.. so there is no need make artificial sounds.. which moreover needlessly use additional energy.

    I truly hope that there are people in the EU with similar thoughts and that someone might argue in favor of this point of view.


    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27029

    Задължителен шум за електромобили в ЕС

    Мой коментар по темата:

    Голяма глупост.. има супер тихи автомобили и с ДВГ.
    Има и почти глухи възрастни хора – що не им забранят да ходят по улиците..?!
    Хайде да напълним градската среда с всякакво бучене, за да не се налага и пешеходци и шофьори да се оглеждат…. в тоя ред на мисли да забраним и новите тролейбуси, трамваи.. а защо не и велосипеди 🙂

    В тази връзка написах дори писмо до европейската комисия, че мн. ме хвана яд 🙂

    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27028

    Задължителен шум за електромобили в ЕС

    Мой коментар по темата:

    Голяма глупост.. има супер тихи автомобили и с ДВГ.
    Има и почти глухи възрастни хора – що не им забранят да ходят по улиците..?!
    Хайде да напълним градската среда с всякакво бучене, за да не се налага и пешеходци и шофьори да се оглеждат…. в тоя ред на мисли да забраним и новите тролейбуси, трамваи.. а защо не и велосипеди 🙂

    В тази връзка написах дори писмо до европейската комисия, че мн. ме хвана яд 🙂

    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27020

    Задължителен шум за електромобили в ЕС

    Мой коментар по темата:

    Голяма глупост.. има супер тихи автомобили и с ДВГ.
    Има и почти глухи възрастни хора – що не им забранят да ходят по улиците..?!
    Хайде да напълним градската среда с всякакво бучене, за да не се налага и пешеходци и шофьори да се оглеждат…. в тоя ред на мисли да забраним и новите тролейбуси, трамваи.. а защо не и велосипеди 🙂

    В тази връзка написах дори писмо до европейската комисия, че мн. ме хвана яд 🙂

    in reply to: Неща от нета 2 #27055

    Задължителен шум за електромобили в ЕС

    Мой коментар по темата:

    Голяма глупост.. има супер тихи автомобили и с ДВГ.
    Има и почти глухи възрастни хора – що не им забранят да ходят по улиците..?!
    Хайде да напълним градската среда с всякакво бучене, за да не се налага и пешеходци и шофьори да се оглеждат…. в тоя ред на мисли да забраним и новите тролейбуси, трамваи.. а защо не и велосипеди 🙂

    В тази връзка написах дори писмо до европейската комисия, че мн. ме хвана яд 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 676 through 690 (of 908 total)