In this blog: More orders coming so at least 15 or 20 Model S will cruise around Dobrich and the region starting 2015."Can you help me order Tesla Model S?" asks me a guy from Dobrich back in May 2014 on the phone. "Need some information and ordering process assistance," adds Russi once we quickly introduce ourselves. We helped him, naturally, but if we only knew what's going to happen...
First, we called Tesla Tilburg to confirm that Russi's contract shows price less VAT which he needs to pay in Bulgaria. We've also received an official confirmation that 7-seater Model S' Cerificate of conformity (CoC) shows 5 seats (kids seats back in the trunk does not count) which means it's not possible to reclaim VAT on Model S in Bulgaria.
Once all clear Russi placed his order and here his car popped up in Bulgaria later (in August). Well, actually, he drove it from Tilburg to Dobrich (close to 2,500 km) once he got some advice from another Bulgarian Model S owner who alredy made the same trip.
With the fall cereal sales campaign running full steam, Russi was hard to reach and we're still about to get together and discuss the trip to make a nice blog about it. But he told me way before he got the car: "I'm telling you, once I take my Model S around for a spin, there's gonna be lots of more orders."
OK, dude, let it be!
Later we introduced Russi to our friend and tech partner Teodor Ivanov from Isperih based A1 Eco and today Teodor called to surpised us with the news above – 12 Model S orders has been placed from Dobrich and the region.
I'm quickly calling Russi to confirm and he asks me "What did I tell you?" Well, buddy, you made it – 12 more super EVs ordered from a single Bulgarian region is super news for the electric mobility in our country!
But there's more. "These 12 are coming sometime in 2015, but I expect like 10 more orders to be made soon, including Model X!"
Impressive – in 2015 they'll be driving at least 15 (or even more) Model S cars in Dobrich and around. Yes, it's not like hundreds they're ordering a month up in Norway. Still, we're very happy to see how active they are up there in Dobrich on EVs.
With the super cool news that there's going to be two Tesla Superchargers in Bulgaria in 2015, we'll not be surprised if а third one adds on top (at least Tesla's SC page shows 2 dots).
So that's "what's going to happen"... One assistance, one promise and lots of new electric cars in Bulgaria. Let there be more! /