Could there be only four letters in front of Model E?

In this blog: Afrer Tesla Motors in August, now Ford files for Model E patent in December.

These Model "designations" were used by Ford some 100 years ago, but today Tesla Motors was first to act on Model E. So we we're suprised to know (via TechVehi), that on December 2 Ford filed for "Model E" trademark in the US Patent and Trademark Office...

But how is this possible when it had already being reserved? Eithter Tesla's papers are imperfect, or people over at Ford something other's don't.

It does not make sense to file for the same name otherwise. Give it is unlikely they'll start using "Model" again as a century ago...

Anyway, this could well turn into a fight for the name of the mass EV. We could only guess for now, but we'll wait for any signals coming from Tesla. тIt's quiet now in the holidays, but may get unusually (for EVs) noisy ;). /

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