In this episode: Goofy American says Nikola Tesla is from Veliko Tarnovo and does not believe we're charging faster than Tesla.
That's what goes on in KaramEL Web Show's Episode 3 and you know Americans – they call Mihael - Michael, Nikola - Nicolas and bunch of other stuff like that. That – OK, but they're (Tesla team) apparently in possession of some old paper claiming (Nikola) Tesla is not from Serbia, and not from Macedonia, but from Bulgaria...
So the guy tried to get to Tarnovo, totally convinced Tesla was born there and rented a car to go find his house. He was told the car he's getting is good for 200 miles, but there's a catch - you need to move the stick between the seats from time to time. Jonas (his name) though, put it forward once and left it there. At first, no worries, but he quickly ended up in smoke.
And that's when our e-hero stumbles upon him on the road and offers to give him a lift in his Tesla. But guess what - fun - Jonas works there. And he knows about those "bars" between the seats. "Knows" being insufficient obviously.
Long story short, he left the car in first gear, set off, the car rumbled a lot and overheated, you got the picture. And he keeps singing this "Tesla is from Tarnovo" song no matter what. Matter of fact, Tesla's popping up on some billboards all over the place so the guy is like "you see" all the time.
He later sang another song – was taught to sing it in US before they sent him on a trip to search for the house. Surprised us. You'd tell he's local!
So he tells our guy that they (Tesla team we guess) found an old paper that shows Nikola Tesla is from the Bulgarian town of Veliko Tarnovo and once he (Jonas) finds the house "we'll set a massive party there". Not only that, "but all Bulgarians will drive Tesla". Sure...
While they drive to Tarnovo he saw Tesla on the billboards and exclaimed "you see they even made a color picture of him" and right there he's getting a call – Elon Musk. Haha.
Jonas takes the call and it's Elon. Oh, uh. Elon asks him what's going on and Jonas says "It's here, it's here, he's on every billboard, I know it's here. Macedonia was total farce, but this time we got it.
Our guy can't believe Jonas is talking to Elon, but "hey, why not, he's my boss I know him from the beginning and he's like you - drives a Tesla". They even spoke about Mars, some landings there, rockets, stuff like that. And Jonas tells Elon "Don't be affraid, let's announce it", whatever it is.
Ah, something interesting meanwhile. Jonas pushes a button somehere in his feet and the Tesla goes like rocket. "Don't tell anyone. Big secret".
Great, but they started running out of juice so our guy calls us to deliver one of our own chargers to Tarnovo as it looks like we haven't installed one around yet. No worries, except that Jonas could not believe we can do it. Or...
Our service EV soon passes them, we put the charger and Jonas, still not believing, says he's getting a nap as "it will take time". Bullshit. A minute later Tesla's full and he's totally shocked: "You can't charge faster than us, I work there, I know how long it takes". That's it brother, believe it or not, we're faster than Tesla. Get these BG chargers and go pitch Elon :).
Alright, the tow are almost there, and even got their windshield cleaned (see how an American reacts to that), spent some pennies and was told where the house is. Our guys says "it's not true" but Jonas is losing patience and swears him in Bulgarian:
"А беее ебати ужас, айде карай си!" (no way to translate that, but it's sounds like "Fuck, just drive")
No you batter take a lot for yourself: